
There were these two bricks,
Just wobbling down the street.
They had no hands,
They had no feet.

They were all smiles,
And they began to speak!

They said to me, if you throw us,
Let us know.
If you want the glass to break,
Or a softer blow.

And then they laughed,
“You’re just like us!!!”

Your hard outer shell,
And games of trust.

Your body holds you,
As do ours.
You can do damage,
This game of powers!

But if you throw yourself,
You too can choose.
To leave them undamaged,
Or fully bruised.

See we are bricks,
A simple kind.
But when you throw us,
We still have our mind.

You gave us power,
We brought it back.
We can break windows,
Or lay to stack.

Oh our silly human,
Don’t you see?
You’re not that different,
From the bricks that be.

Your power too,
With this hard shell.
Can bring one happiness,
Or create hell.

And so the bricks,
Continued down the street.
Mumbling words,
To an unknown beat.

Then I woke up,
And thought to myself,
I hope I remember them,
And keep their wise wealth.

So when the time comes,
And I must choose,
I won’t leave marks,
Not the slightest bruise.

This body of mine,
The damage it can do,
I’ll throw myself,
But I’ll catch me too.


Now read this


My body has always been this cold thing my mother always tells me it’s a bad thing I’ve learned to tell myself the same but don’t see a thing in the world I could change. Maybe my body remains so cold because all of the heat has gone to... Continue →