drop your recovery date

my recovery date
is everyday that I open my eyes
and choose to get out of bed

it is everyday I open my eyes
and stay another hour
another hour
another hour

it is alarm clocks
and snoozes

it is everyday
I survive

it is nighttime
when I rest my head on my pillow

my recovery date
is not calendar marked

isn’t 472 and counting
starting back at 0

it is every 0 and
all of the days before that

it isn’t what I put in this body
isn’t what this body spits back

isn’t shame laced single digits
or pride laced decades

it has nothing to do with
nothing to do with drugs

it has everything to do
with still showing-up
little to do with
show and tell

and everything to do with
trying again
and again
and again


Now read this

after the night

I wanted to write a poem on the night after the night of crying this is the first one after the the last one that felt worse than death and I remember describing it that way after a year of death to include: no one saw it coming, an... Continue →