falling in love

falling in love
wraps me up in all sorts of
pulls me up to the city sky
and I look down at all of it
glad to finally be away from it
pulls me away from it

has me think
is never a place I’ll wander to again
until down
is the space I’m looking up from
where flight and butterflies
go to die?
wonder where we go to mend the pieces?

never again
tell myself
only slower next time

take love lost
as lesson
love arriving
as warning to slowdown

but love is often fast
often skipping
knows only on
and off
and nothing in between

I say love
next time let’s be friends
let’s visit the city sky in the daylight
let’s hike to the 13th floor
so we can remind ourselves
heights like these take efforts
and it’s much better
when you can feel sturdy
beneath your feet

but love
doesn’t always listen
I mean I
don’t always listen


Now read this


You know what love looks like? It’s falling for someone new. I’ve never met him before, he’s wonderful, he’s out there, and I’m waiting, I just don’t know his name. I don’t know what he looks like but I have this image in my head. At the... Continue →