hello. fresh.

I eat dinner at 9 pm
thank you hello fresh

I can be your
mental health case study
put my face on your reviews and write
“I was going to skip another meal
until I couldn’t but I didn’t.”

It’s a big deal.
Cuz I’ve justified skipping meals
for all the sleeping
don’t need all those calories if I’m out
14 hours a night
a restless bliss till tired morning.

But I beat depression
one dish at a time.

Fill the dishwasher full and truly
truly consider wiping the counters
how much is the state of our kitchens,
a reflection of our minds?
I almost scrub it clean
create an illusion I might fool myself
into buying tomorrow.

How many times can I clean the bathroom
till it loses it’s luster?

How many drawers re-arranged
until sadness returns?

How quickly the vacuum lines
leave my rug
how fast the dog hair clumps in the corners.

Ever been grateful for a dirty house
that begs to be cleaned?

Fearful of clean lasting too long
your hands remaining idle.

My idle hands google peaceful ways to die.

Did you know?
Burning coal sucks oxygen out of a room?

My idle hands google suicide lines
and warnings.

My clothes pile onto the couch
a dirty house is a worried house
it is no energy to clean up the mess
it’s made
the house
has a mind of its own.

How many attics fill with mold?
How many inspections till they say
“this one’s no good.”
Start to warn the other buyers.


Now read this

That Woman

That woman has a backbone the strength to tell you all the ways she withheld her love. How you grasped for her spine as you held her one last time whispered, “fuck,” as you came. See how she always let you in spread her legs for you took... Continue →