
When woman becomes witch
she has not learned spells to cast among her lovers
or love her nots
she has become spell book for self
for the love it takes to be alone
has separated from father
from needing that which was never hers
and now dives into mother as vessel to her earth
notices spinning planets as birth right
she once again becomes owner of her body
stares at flesh
cuts it open to find she has always been potion
when she says she still loves you
she means she can still cast self in your presence
she is no longer fragile
but is malleable
is able to bend at the blow of each wind
she watches flies intently
not for adding corpses to cauldrons
but for learning to cut the air
she is like that now
can dodge all that will not suit her
yet she does not fight back
this does not mean she will choke down
she is not repression
but instead a silent witness
sees doubt and learns what is not hers to say
when he returns to her
she does not let him in, in the way she used to
in the way he was only every doubt she had no strength to stand up against
she can see his seeker
notices peace but wonders if it is here to stay
and she does not ask questions
the answers are his to ponder but not hers to know
she has learned to place hand on chest
feel rib cage collapse at her heart’s pull
it is a sort of internal suffocation
she has learned it does not mean death
and this is where her spells arise
in the moment that her mind is everywhere but present
she casts self back
is reminded that death will come as it pleases
and it is not now
nor was it yesterday
and when it is time
her potion will flow back into dirt
arise tree
bend at the blow of each wind
the flies taught her so
to cut the air
dodge all of that which does not suit her
and most times
it is figment of mind
and it is her duty
to cast her strongest spells then
to trust the work of her roots
to hear gut over mind
and call it magic.


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