have you found

have you found the parts of you
that have gotten away
that you’ve hid in the dry walls
and yet
can still hear traces of your neighbors
do you sit long enough in stillness
to realize how nothing about nothing matters
how your history is a memory
you can always rewrite
how you don’t have to write home
if you don’t want to
how blood
is just something that carries oxygen
and is not always a big deal
mute yourself once
and your body will learn the art
of shutting up
of growing small
for everyone but yourself
get loud once
and your body will learn the art
of always fighting back
can you go quiet
be loud for yourself
as the biggest whisper?
I feel my heels and the balls of my feet
I have never stood taller than in this very moment
where the moment is just the sensation of
self pushing down
and earth pushing up
is this not all there is
at all times?
just that fine line of existence
between the two pressures
it is just you and everything else
and none of it matters.


Now read this

When in Doubt…

I was told to hold a page for a list of thoughts that arise that are inconsistent with my drive to complete this project that I have signed up for. Currently, I believe that it may be more useful to have a list or a reminder of why this... Continue →