If this world were mine

If this world were mine
we’d have a week of silence for this planet
a week of
you can only walk to your friends’ house
or call them all digital
and screen time
but shit
if this world were mine
we’d have a week of
no screen time
a week of
sit with yourself and how
do you feel about that company?
We’d be silent
and solo
and searching
for the stones we buried in our rivers
learn to hear our hearts
open and close
we’d be pause between beats
we’d be only breath
take away TVs
learn what it means
to talk to only our neighbors
and strangers
touch only grass
and growth
and animals.
would always be caution-taped off
the kids
would howl with the wolves
the parents
would become the wolves
we’d be tribe
and barefoot
feeling the Earth
shake our cells still
we’d be like this for a week of the year
until we wanted it forever
and time moved backwards
and there was only the moon
and the stars
and our cities
in this way
were brighter
than ever.


Now read this

The People Lie

The people lie in the cold of the Denver streets the church still has its lights on but doors locked. God only for the privileged. My fathers still lights those candles the wax still melts on church floors he always forgets to bring the... Continue →