
You know what love looks like?

It’s falling for someone new.

I’ve never met him before, he’s wonderful, he’s out there, and I’m waiting, I just don’t know his name.

I don’t know what he looks like but I have this image in my head.

At the very least he looks like the last guy that broke my heart and made me wonder why I just wasn’t good enough.


And what he does for a dollar, is super interesting, and creative, and it so perfectly matches my dollar.

His standards meet me own.

I haven’t met him, he is no friend, but I will be marrying my best friend and everyone will agree it was always meant to be.


So I keep myself closed to opportunities of love that are standing right before me.

The one I connect with, vibe with, all because I know his name, and damn it we went to the same school and this does not match who I should fall in love with.

A stranger.

Give me the perfect stranger and let him grab my hand and the wings will flutter, this smile on my face and damn it he will become my best friend, if I don’t just get foggy minded in the bed sheets.

But I get foggy minded in the bed sheets.

They will never be my friend as they are just the source of my orgasm.

And I can’t love them, because it doesn’t last forever.


Maybe if I drop my dellusions of where to look, who he will look like, where we met, maybe then I can fall in love.

When love isn’t the package I created but that never got shipped.

When love is the man that holds my mind before he takes my hand.

That holds my hand before he ever let’s me in between the sheets.

That holds my attention before any anticipation of any orgasm.

Maybe the man isn’t a stranger but a friend from a distant past.

Maybe he isn’t paid for his art but damn isn’t he creative?

Maybe he isn’t defined by society, or more importantly, by me.

A friend, self-proclaimed everything, and,

My love, dellusions.


Now read this

This bowl of soup is a promise

Sometimes love pops up in your top 10 then quickly evades it hit refresh, but still love’s face doesn’t show and the work must go on but what if? maybe nothing. but what if? maybe something, once upon a time until time passes and love,... Continue →