
You’re such a fucking tease girl.

Your body
has been designed to take it
and when you don’t
no matter how many times you’ve led them to cum
caught their ocean’s men on your chest
if they don’t enter you in the way they please…

You should feel bad about it.

Make sure you listen
as they jokingly make you feel bad about it.
And remember,
these are only jokes.
Why can’t we joke this way?

He’s only kidding,
unless you’re not,
let’s do this thing!

But do it too early
they’ll call you easy
hold out too long
and you’re not worth the wait.

There is no right way to do this.

And what the fuck?
You’ve already done this.
What are we waiting on anyways?
Your body
isn’t that pure untouched innocence anymore.
Let’s not let you forget
he marked you.
you’re lucky this one even wants you girl.

You should want him back
despite the red flags
those are for the bulls.

But you
you are the bull
running head on and wondering
where all this dust is coming from
those are your feet kicking it up
all those pieces of past in your eyes
it stings doesn’t it?
But does it sting enough to keep you out of the stadium?
They paid to watch,
don’t let them down girl.
If you’re not gunna go in for the kill,
why go in at all?

If you come back empty handed
they will all sigh as you tell them
another one bit the dust.
Don’t tell them you are the bull
and the dust.
You are every bit a part of this pattern.

You’ll find that you are writing the same poem,
you’re actually quoting the last one
about the woman and the closet full of
corpses of men…

Look at you!
You’re doing it again!

Cutting them open
breathing life into black tar lungs
which will not expand
and why should they?
Why open for you if you won’t spread open for them?

this is the game.
Ya’ll are running in circles
with the red flags
with the horns.

And neither of you want to get too close.
But it is you keeping distance

even though it is you,
who is the dangerous one
they all realize this later.

Write you apologetic love letters
and misspelled birthday cards
you’ll switch roles
with the red flags
with the horns
always trying to pin you down
but you never have it
cuz you’re such a fucking tease girl.

You should probably
stop making sex so serious
“but I wanna be in love first,”
kinda serious
why can’t we just have fun
you’re so fucking sensitive girl.

He’s only teasing you anyway
unless you’re not,
then let’s do this thing!

And don’t punish him for that
for the teasing
for the getting you all riled up
and making you laugh
but not in the way that you want to.


Be the bigger person girl
while simultaneously making yourself small.

That’s the way they like you
small and smiling

at any rate
don’t forget he’s only teasing

and don’t forget
you’re not allowed to.


Now read this

To Bear the Human Mind

I write upon a blank computer screen, producing words for the mere practice, the mere art of them making an appearance that is in shape constant, bland really, but in experience, profound. For this I read the prose of seemingly educated... Continue →